Saturday afternoon we went about 15 miles to Madison Lake. It's supposed to be one of the best fishing lakes in Southern Minnesota. It gets down to 60 ft deep, and my anchor wouldn't reach at that depth. We found a quiet cove where other big boats couldn't harass us and tried some more fishing. The trolling motor battery died so it was all rowing at this lake. Lisa rowed for about 1/2 mile and
did pretty good. Of course, I managed to snag a whopper bluegill. Lisa caught 2 drum. At least we didn't get skunked. If you notice Lisa's shirt, you can imagine the bad sunburn she got on her back.
Saturday night we relaxed around the campsite. We ate some good hamburgers and a brat. Lisa got a lot of reading in. Sunday morning I woke up early to give Lisa a good campfire breakfast. Luckily, she's not very picky. I just cooked a couple eggs and burnt a little bacon and she was satisfied. We got a warning from the park rangers about our dog being unattended the day before. Sorry about that Rangers. She was pretty understanding when I explained that my small boat with 2 people and a dog wouldn't work very well. We tried to go out fishing again Sunday morning with the dog and us in the boat. Lisa didn't care for Belle making the boat move so much. I was used to it. A storm was coming in and we didn't want to get struck by lightning, so we headed back to the truck after 1/2 an hour.
Overall, I think the trip went good. We had nice weather until late morning of the last day there. We got to spend a lot of time on the water. We couldn't get any fish for eatin, but I was glad to have my fishing partner with me.